Residential Interior Painting

Residential Interior Cabinets

Moncton’s Most Reliable House Painters are Ready to Work for You!

Our professional painters know what it takes to invigorate your Moncton, Riverview or Dieppe area home with a fresh coat of color! Elite Trade Painting continues to impress with superb service and a genuine concern for customer satisfaction. We handle every job with care, which means always making good on promises and sticking to the project budget and schedule.

Your home is important to you and your family which is why interior painting must be done properly. Just like exterior surfaces, inside walls and ceilings can really take a beating. Paint may be exposed to substances that are commonly found indoors, like cooking grease, cigarette smoke, and moisture. High traffic areas are prone to nicks and scuffs while rooms with windows may experience fading from direct sunlight. We know what effects paint in your home and we work to counteract these negative effects by:

Carefully sanding and completely cleaning rough areas

Filling in nail holes and smoothing over blemishes

Caulking all gaps in trim to create a solid seal

Our painters only work with the best products to ensure that every layer we apply lasts as long as possible.

We are more than happy to help!

Do you need advice on indoor design and paint schemes? Explore our galleries and read our customer testimonials to find inspiration and see our work in action.

Get in touch today to request an interior residential painting estimate or to learn more about what we can do for your New Brunswick home!

Elite Residential Interior Painting Services

Get in touch with us to schedule your no-hassle, no-cost painting estimate.
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Walls, Ceilings and Trim

Transform your home interior with just a few coats of paint!

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Brick Staining and Painting

Staining and painting brick and masonry is a great way to create a modern look from older brick.

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Epoxy and Enamel Floors

Epoxies are commonly used for garage floor painting

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Specialty Products

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From start to finish we create value while treating your home or business with respect and professionalism.


It begins with a quote request. Then a follow up call to go over the project and arrange a site visit. We will create a custom detail quote(s) for the work from our onsite review.


Once you review the quote(s) you can proceed to book the quote by calling your estimator or their office, sending an email, text or accepting it through our quote system.


In the booking process, we will confirm options for start dates. There is a discussion and plan created for colours. Once confirmed a team is then scheduled for your project.


When our team arrives onsite preparation and painting will commence. Completing the project in a timely and efficient manner ensuring the high standards for Elite projects.


Upon inspection and completion, we will clean the site removing all gear/equipment. We will then protect your project with our 2yr guarantee. An invoice is provided for review.

Have Questions?


Contact us today. One of our painting professionals would be happy to help!

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