Elite Trade Painting can install vinyl for all of your commercial vinyl projects.
Commercial wallcoverings are used to add design, colour and wearability to surfaces and are mostly used in commercial facilities such as office buildings, hotels/motels, schools, government buildings, churches, healthcare facilities, retail establishments, restaurants, bars, casinos although it can be used in residential applications if desired.
Vinyl wallcovering are generally (54”) wide although they are also available in 27” and 35” widths. Vinyl wallcovering comes in large rolls (30 – 50 yards long). In general vinyl wallcoverings are not self adhesive and require adhesive to be applied for installation. However, there are some vinyl wallcoverings that do come with self adhesive.
Vinyl can be applied to almost any substrate providing the surface is smooth, dry, primed, and clear of dust and dirt. The most common surfaces where vinyl is applied are plaster/gypsum drywall although wood, tile/brick/cement block and some metal surfaces can also be covered. For each of these substrates the proper adhesive and surface preparation is required. Vinyl wallcoverings can also be applied over vinyl wallcoverings.
Special care must be taken when installing this product. The recurring issues with vinyl installation are pattern mismatching, seam exposure, and shading.
Commercial Vinyl Types
The industry rates the types of vinyl into three categories:
Light Duty
This is designed for areas with minimal wear and abrasion, typically used in hotel guestrooms, offices and bathrooms
Medium Duty
Used in corridors, classrooms, lounges, entrances which are areas that receive significant traffic and abrasion.
Heavy Duty
The majority of vinyl wallcoverings will provide enough protection in most commercial environments. However, heavy-duty vinyl provides extra protection in areas more susceptible to regular abrasion from traffic, items or equipment.
Weight of the Vinyl, Installation and Blade Changes Etc.
The weight of the vinyl determines many factors in vinyl installation including the type of vinyl, ease of application and blade changes. Typical weights of vinyl wall coverings are: 8oz, 13-15oz and 21oz. The weight is obvious by feeling the vinyl thickness and is also available in the specification sheet that comes with the vinyl roll.
Vinyl Quantity Measurement
The calculation for vinyl wallcovering quantities begins with measuring the areas where vinyl is being installed. This is done by calculating the square footage of the area much the same as you would for painting. Vinyl is measured in lineal feet and must be converted in order to get the quantity needed.
Conversion Formulas:
Convert Square Feet to Linear Yards
Divide total square footage by 5= number of yards in 54” wide goods. (Divide by 12 to include waste or 9 for patterns with large repeats.)
Convert Square Yards to Linear Yards
Multiple square yard quantity by 9, then divide the result by 5. (Divide by 12to include waste or 9 for patterns with large repeats.)
Vinyl Patterns
Many vinyl patterns today have a simple texture or a solid surface that does not require any particular matching from sheet to sheet. In some cases, there are repeats in the pattern which must be matched in order for the vinyl to look the way it is meant to appear.
Understanding the nature of your wallcovering’s pattern is important because it affects the number of rolls you buy and the way you install it.
Call Mike Benteau for your Vinyl Installation needs
Mike Benteau serving Halifax South, Downtown, Central Halifax, North Halifax, Dartmouth, Burnside, Cole Harbour, Forest Hills, Porters Lake, Fall River, Bedford, Bedford West, Rockingham, Clayton Park, Fairview, Fairmont, Armdale, Herring Cove, Sambro, Lower Sackville, Middle Sackville, Timberlea, Beechville, Lakeside
From start to finish we create value while treating your home or business with respect and professionalism.
It begins with a quote request. Then a follow up call to go over the project and arrange a site visit. We will create a custom detail quote(s) for the work from our onsite review.
Once you review the quote(s) you can proceed to book the quote by calling your estimator or their office, sending an email, text or accepting it through our quote system.
In the booking process, we will confirm options for start dates. There is a discussion and plan created for colours. Once confirmed a team is then scheduled for your project.
When our team arrives onsite preparation and painting will commence. Completing the project in a timely and efficient manner ensuring the high standards for Elite projects.
Upon inspection and completion, we will clean the site removing all gear/equipment. We will then protect your project with our 2yr guarantee. An invoice is provided for review.