Painting Estimate Process

Elite Trade Painting’s Estimate Process

Looking for a painting quote? All of our clients receive a written quote that reflects their requests and the recommendations from our estimators. Our web based estimating system insures consistency and clarity for all of our quotes. Our painting quotes provide the details for the areas to be done, the preparation and painting processes to be followed and the types and quality of the paints and products to be used.

Our estimating system provides all of the information that our clients need for them to make the right choice. Our painting quotes include references, picture galleries, insurance and WCB information along with links to manufacturers of the products being recommended. Our painting quotes are are accessible anytime anywhere though the use of our client web portals and remain available for reference in the future.

Our estimating tool also offers our customers:

On the spot estimates.

Professional and legible estimate proposal forms

An email copy of your estimate that includes an information package with reference lists, product specifications and photo galleries of our past work

Quicker estimating procedures

Reduced appointment times

Accurate estimates every time; no ‘guess-timating’ involved


Our Process – Simple. Professional. Well Communicated.


It begins with a quote request; then, a follow-up call to go over the project and arrange a site visit. We will create a custom and detailed quote(s) from our onsite review.


Once you review your quote(s), you can proceed to book the job by calling your estimator or their office, sending an email, text, or accepting it through our online quote system.


In the booking process, we will confirm options for start dates. Then there is a discussion and a plan created for colour options. Once approved, a team is scheduled for your project.


When our team arrives, onsite preparation and painting will commence—completing the project in a timely and efficient manner, ensuring the high standards for Elite projects.


Upon completion and inspection, we will clean the site removing all gear/equipment. We will then protect the quality of your project with our two-year guarantee. We will provide you with an invoice for review.

Have Questions?

Contact us today. One of our painting professionals would be happy to help!

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Elite Trade Painting contractors provide professional painting services to satisfied clients across Canada and the United States.
Painting Contractors and Franchises in Canada and throughout the United States.
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