Getting your Surfaces Ready for Exterior Painting
Getting a surface ready for painting means creating a solid base for paint to adhere to along with ensuring that moisture can not get within that surface to make it fail from within itself.
Exterior paint preparation remains the same for painting or staining, consisting of cleaning, scraping, sanding, caulking, protecting, and priming, as well as any minor repairs being done prior to painting. Stained areas have significantly less scraping to be done.
The general Preparation consists of:
Power Washing and Cleaning
- Power washing is done prior to paint crew arrival.
- When specified a clean or wash is only done where needed.
Taping and papering (protecting surfaces)
- Drop sheets are put down on surfaces.
- Areas are protected as required by tape, paper, and plastic.
Scraping and Sanding
- Scrape all loose and peeling paint to a solid base.
- Sand as required or specified.
- Repair any missing or cracked caulking or as detailed.
Priming and Stain Sealing
- Prime all bare and scraped areas (unless specified for full prime).
- Stain seal any bleedthrough, knots, or tannin bleeds.
Clean Up
- Clean up (remove paint chips and dust) .
Minor Repairs
- Clients complete the majority of minor repairs prior to our arrival; these include wood repairs, gutter and downspout repair.
- Our staff can do some minor repairs, and our estimators can inform you of the repairs that we can do.
General Preparation of Specific Areas
Wood surfaces
Power wash/clean, scrape (previously painted or stained areas only), prime as required, caulk if required, then paint or stain.
Decks and fences
Power wash/clean, scrape (previously painted or stained areas only), prime as required, caulk if required, then paint or stain.
Power wash/clean, scrape, prime, caulk, repair damaged area, then paint
Vinyl and plastic
Power wash/clean, buff, sand, and/or prime if required, then paint
Brick and masonry
Power wash/clean, scrape (previously painted or stained areas only), prime as required, caulk if required, repair damaged area, then paint or stain.
Aluminium siding
Power wash/clean, prime if required, then paint.
Metal surfaces
Power wash/clean, scrape, wire brush any rust, prime if required, then paint.
Note: The above is a general process that can be adjusted to accommodate specific requirements as needed
Preparation process for Interior painting
Getting a surface ready for painting means ensuring a smooth debris-free surface for the paint to adhere to along with providing a great looking finish.
Interior paint preparation consists of cleaning, wall repair, sanding, caulking, protection and priming, as well as any minor repairs being done prior to painting.
Interior Preparation Consists of:
Washing and Cleaning
- We do minor cleaning throughout the painting process.
- When specified, a clean or wash is only done where needed.
- Washing is done when required and will be specified in the job description.
- Power washing can be used for some areas and often for commercial clients such as auto repair shops.
Taping and Papering (protecting surfaces)
- Drop sheets are put down on surfaces.
- Areas are protected as required by tape, paper, and plastic as required.
- Pole sanding is done between coats of paint for walls.
- Repair areas are sanded prior to priming.
- Other areas are sanded as required or specified.
- Any gaps or cracks in trim are caulked.
Priming and Stain Sealing
- Prime all bare and repaired areas.
- Stain seal any bleedthrough, knots, or tannin bleeds.
Clean Up
- Clean up (remove dust).
General Preparation of Specific Interior Areas
Repair any damaged areas, clean where needed and prime any stained areas.
Repair any damaged areas, clean where needed, prime any filled or stained areas, pole sand as required.
Clean as required, fill any nail holes, caulk any gaps or cracks, prime as needed.
Epoxy floors (cement)
Clean, power wash when appropriate, degrease floors as required, acid etch the floor with muriatic acid (can also grind or shot blast depending on requirements), repeat cleaning surface of any residue.
**This process can also apply for other coatings on cement floors.
New drywall
Dust walls as required, apply a full coat of primer, pole sand primer after dry.
**Pole sanding can also be done after the first finish coat.
New wood trim (interior)
Seal any knots with a stain sealer, prime or apply self-priming product.
New metal trim (interior)
Prime or apply a self-priming high-grade acrylic product.
Note: The above is a general process that can be adjusted to accommodate specific requirements as needed